After each email validation, EmailVerify for Silverlight either reports back a success - meaning it completed the validation process up to the required level -
or a failure; the component exposes the result statuses it supports by way of the VerificationStatus enumeration; the following sections mention the
most used values and their meanings.
This failure means that an invalid character has been detected in the provided email address, like in the following example:
This failure means that a new word boundary start has been detected at an invalid position, like in the following example:
This failure means that a quoted pair within a quoted word in the provided email address is not closed properly.
This failure means that an unexpected quoted pair sequence has been found within a quoted word in the provided email address, like in the following example:
"find it in \§ 3"
This failure means that the number of parenthesis used to open comments in the provided email address is not equal to the one used to close them.
This failure means that an invalid sequence of two adjacent dots has been found in the provided email addres, like in the following example:
This failure means that the local part of the email address has an invalid length, according to the IETF standards.
This failure means that an invalid folding white space (FWS) sequence has been found.
This failure means that the at sign symbol (@), used to separate the local part from the domain part of the address, has not been found, like in the following example:
This failure means that an invalid quoted word with no content has been found, like in the following example:
This failure means that the provided email address has an invalid total length.
This failure means that the domain part of the email address is not compliant with the IETF standards, like in the following example:
michael@example."hi there".com
This failure means that the email address is provided by a well-known disposable email address provider (DEA), like the ones mentioned
in the section above.
This failure means that, while both the domain and the mail exchanger for the email address being tested are not from a well-known
disposable email address provider (DEA), the mailbox is actually disposable.